WARNING: The PIONEER CA-8896 accelerator cable is not compatible with NA Mazda Miatas. It is too short to reach from the throttle body to the gas pedal and it does not have the correct fitting to mount to the firewall. Do not try cutting the firewall or routing over the cylinder head to fit this cable, it’s just not compatible with Miatas.
Every website and parts store that has this labeled as a Miata part is wrong. I have not been able to find what car this cable is actually meant for.

The surest option is to source an OEM cable; part number: NA7541660B
Unfortunately, this part is discontinued, so only used cables are available.
Treasure Coast Miata has a great selection of used OEM Miata parts, and the replacement cable was only about $30.

It is very difficult to remove the cable from the firewall without damaging the rectangular plastic insert.
Here is an excellent post on creating a cable removal tool: https://sites.google.com/site/yourmiata/home-built-tools/throttle-cable-removal-tool
Flyin’ Miata has also started selling a 3D-printed cable removal tool.

The yellow plastic ring snaps into a notch on the accelerator pedal lever.

Use the cable tightening nuts to make the cable snug. A loose cable creates a delay between pressing the gas pedal and the throttle opening. Don’t make the cable so tight that it is opening the throttle without pressing the gas pedal.