Replacement Windshield Cowl

Old broken windshield cowl
Weatherseal peeling off old windshield cowl
Removed screw cap

It is difficult to remove the screw covers without marring the cover or the nearby cowl. Hopefully these pictures help show where the tabs are located. Luckily, the windshield kit I bought came with all new plastic fasteners.

Plastic screw covers removed
Removed windshield wiper

One nut under a dust cover attaches the windshield wiper. The spring-action of the wiper makes it difficult to remove from the threaded stud, but it comes off easily while holding the wiper straight.

Windshield cowl removed
Broken windshield cowl clip
Replacement plastic fasteners
Plastic fasteners removed
New clips installed
Cleaned windshield and new plastic clips
New windshield cowl compared to old
New cowl installed
Screw covers added
Wiper re-installed
RSpeed Mazda Miata MX-5 Windshield Base Cowl 1990-2005 replaces NA01-50-790E$139

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